Tuesday 3 June 2014

The Long Walk

The Long Walk

Format: Book
Author: Stephen King (writing as Richard Bachman)
Released: July, 1979
Certificate: Teens & up
(Note: this review is spoiler-free.)

My rating:  

"On the first day of May, one hundred teenage boys meet for an event known throughout the country as "The Long Walk." If you break the rules, you get three warnings. If you exceed your limit, what happens is absolutely terrifying.(Extract from amazon.co.uk)

Okay, let me start off by saying this is an AMAZING book. Really, really amazing.

This is the first Stephen King novel I've ever read, and I know it certainly won't be the last. The writing is impeccable, with every line keeping you hooked and the characters finding a small place in your heart - and when they go, you really don't want them to go. They are all strong, very independant characters who are forced to find comfort in those around them, whether they like it or not.

I can't say much about the plot without ruining the basis of the story. It is a very simple storyline, which King manages cleverly to turn into a deliciously gruesome tale - admittedly, parts might make you squeam a little, but it just adds to the tortureous theme that is the basis of the plot.

Despite this tale being one of the best novels I've read in a while, the ending did let me down a little. I felt it was slightly predictable due to lines said earlier in the book, and almost a little rushed, though I suppose it adds to the effect that the Walk is, indeed, very long and tiring - almost never-ending - which is a strong contrast to the abrupt ending these boys never deserved. Despite my beliefs on this, the last few lines are very cleverly written and you do have to re-read them a few times to take in what has really happened.

In conclusion, this book is incredible. The characters musings on life and death really make you stop and think about these inevitable themes and the importance of them. Everything is so simple at the start, yet turned magnificently into a twisted tale of complication - characters and story line alike. I can only applaud King on this wonderful dystopian novel, and I cannot wait to get started on some of his other works!

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